Job advertisements

Currently there are the following job advertisements:

Job offers for project WETSCAPES 2.0

Z1: Central administration and coordination - University of Greifswald, University of Rostock
application deadline: 02.02.2025

Postdoctoral Researchers:
B2: Spatial patterns of ecosystem-atmosphere flux in wetscapes 2.0 - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
link to official job announcement coming soon!

S3: From idiosyncrasy to understanding: How the flow of energy, matter and information shapes wetscapes 2.0 and their development pathways - University of Greifswald, University of Rostock
application deadline: 31.01.2025

Z4: Integrated Research Training Group WETSKILLS - University of Rostock, University of Greifswald
link to official job announcement coming soon!

Z5: Public relations (PR) - University of Greifswald
application deadline 17.02.2025

Doctoral Researchers:
A2: Sources and sinks of N2O in rewetted fens
- University of Rostock
link to official job announcement coming soon!

A3: Plant-microbiome interactions in the fen rhizosphere - University of Greifswald
application deadline: 31.01.2025

A5: Project title: Development and resilience of microbial CH4 oxidizers in rewetted fens - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
link to official job announcement coming soon!

A6: Drivers of methanogen abundance and activity in rewetted fens - University of Greifswald
link to official job announcement coming soon!

B6: Spatio-temporal monitoring of fen peatland subsidence and inundated area across different scales - University of Rostock
link to official job announcement coming soon!

C3: Peatlands in the landscape – impact of rewetting on the surroundings - University of Rostock
link to official job announcement coming soon!

C5: Assessment of the climate mitigation potential of peatland rewetting - Ludwig Maximilians University München
link to official job announcement coming soon!

Z3: Research Data Management (RDM) - University of Rostock, University of Greifswald
link to official job announcement coming soon!

Technical Experts:
Z1: Central administration and coordination
- University of Rostock
link to official job announcement coming soon!

Z2: WETSCAPES2.0 research infrastructure: Maintenance of field sites and experiments - University of Rostock
link to official job announcement coming soon!