Media reporting

11th Dec 2016 UN REDD Blog
The future of peat as a global warming game changer has just begun

17th Nov 2016 UN REDD Blog
New UN initiative aims to save lives and cut climate change by protecting peatlands

16th November 2016   Wetlands' International on youtube
Restoring Peatlands in Russia - for fire prevention and climate change mitigation

25th August 2016   Radio Bremen, buten un binnen Magazin
Torfanbau statt Torfabbau

22nd June 2016   Bauernzeitung
Klimaschutz auf Moorböden - Beratung für Landwirte

20th June 2016   Deutsche Welle
Peatland restoration in Russia (ab 18.45 min)

2nd June 2016   NDR Hallo Niedersachsen!
Forscher testen Anbau von Torfmoosen

2nd May 2016   forschergeist (Podcast in German)
Moore, Paludikultur und das Klima

5th January 2016 (Indonesia)
Tropical peatland expert Bambang Setiadi: Education is the Key