Paludiculture for the planet!

Conference week RRR2017started
27/09/2017 There is power in peatlands! At the International Paludiculture Conference RRR2017 - Renewable resources from wet and rewetted peatlands 27th-29th September in Greifswald scientists, practitioners and politicians discuss how to tap their potential for climate protection, alternative agriculture and saving great socio-economic costs. Text: Wet peatlands protect the world’s climate as gigantic carbon sinks. Drained peatlands, in contrast, globally emit over 2 Gt of carbon dioxide per year. To reverse this dramatic climate damage peatlands must be rewetted and can often still be cultivated. Paludiculture – the utilization of wet peatlands – can chant the spell and deliver renewable energy resources and biomass for building material or fodder while substituting fossil resources. Apart from this, wet peatlands offer ecosystem services such as nutrient removal, water retention and habitat provision. Almost 200 scientists, land owners, land users and environmentalists assemble at the RRR2017 to promote this promising and necessary concept.