RUMOOREN! - art meets peatlands

Turf sculptures and typha cushions - visit till 8th October at CDFI
22/09/2017 The art exhibition RUMOOREN! offers unusual perspectives on peatlands. Organised by the Greifswald Mire Centre in cooperation with the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institute of Greifswald University, exhibits by 19 artists are presented, e.g. turf installations and typha cushions. The art pieces are intended to promote wider public perception of peatlands, climate protection and sustainable use. The use of peat in art is critically reflected.
About one hundred art and peatland lovers attended the vernissage on 24th September. RUMOOREN! is part of the international paludiculture conference week Renewable resources from wet and rewetted peatlands 2017. The exhibition is open 25th-28th September 8 am – 8 pm and 29th September – 8th October 12 am - 6 pm at the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institute (Bahnhofstraße 46/47, Greifswald). The entrance is free.