Climate protection and agriculture
KTBL visits GMC and paludiculture pilot farms in Vorpommern
24/12/2019 The Kuratorium für Bau und Technik in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) is an association of agriculture, science, commercial industry, administration and consultancy with the task of technology transfer; it is supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Prof. Dr. Christine Tamásy (University of Greifswald) mediated a visit of the GMC by the executive committee and the general management to get information about research and implementation projects. The view into the soil of an agriculturally used, wet grassland area at Lake Kummerow gives a special impression: Thanks to paludiculture, the carbon in the peat remains protected and the area is nevertheless productively used for biomass for local heating. The successful cooperation between Greifswald University and agricultural enterprises in establishing a cattail paludiculture on rewetted peatland was also praised, and the KTBL would like to make greater use of the expertise of the GMC in future.